Shop the Pompon collection

Pompon Collection / The Pompon is one of my first jewellery designs to become a permanent collection. It’s inspired by the many yarn tassels in the cityscape one winter. I decided to try making my own version in precious metal. It was an exciting challenge to transfer some of the soft and mobile textuality from the yarn to the hard precious metal.
he collection includes pendants, ear studs, earrings, bracelets, rings and cuff links. 

I match my Pompon pendant with ear studs from the Fan Sphere Collection.

Pompon Collection

The prototype for this popular collection is made of many little silver threads that are soldered together on a small hemisphere shaped base. From here the process is casting in half Pompons as the groundwork for the finished pieces. I work with both whole and half Pompons depending on the piece. A crucial part of the finishing process is the hardening, so all the threads keep their shape.

As mentioned above, the design of the Pompon collection was inspired by round yarn tassels. Subsequently, it has been given a lot of different names – sea urchins, snowflakes, poof balls and burdocks are just some examples of the numerous associations.

Another sculptural design, that has been a “Sofie Lunøe classic” for many years now, is the 3DNA Collection.